alat ukur summary of diabetes self-careactivities sdsca - PDF The Summary of Diabetes SelfCare diabetes blood work Activities measure Normative data means and SD interitem and testretest reliability correlations between the SDSCA subscales and a range of criterion measures and sensitivity to change scores are presented for the 7 different studies 5 randomized interventions and 2 observational studies The Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities SDSCA questionnaire is the most widely used tool for assess diabetes selfcare activities The study aimed to testing validity and reliability of the Bahasa Indonesia version of the SDSCA Summary of Diabetes Selfcare Activities A confirmatory The Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities SDSCA questionnaire is the most widely used tool for assess diabetes selfcare activities The study aimed to testing validity and Summary of Diabetes Selfcare Activities A confirmatory The summary of diabetes selfcare activities measure results Application of the Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities The summary of diabetes selfcare activities ProQuest The SDSCA measure is a brief selfreport questionnaire of diabetes selfmanagement that includes items assessing the following aspects of the diabetes regimen general diet specific diet The revised version of the Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities SDSCA measure is presented and the inclusion of this measure in studies of diabetes selfmanagement is recommended when appropriate Normative data means and SD interitem and testretest reliability correlations between the SDSCA subscales and a range of criterion measures and sensitivity to change scores are presented for the 7 different studies 5 randomized interventions and 2 observational studies The Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities SDSCA is a 25item selfreport measure of the frequency of performing diabetes selfcare tasks over the preceding 7 days This measure served as another index of patient selfcare to examine concurrent validity Objectives This uncontrolled open study aimed to measure the levels of selfcare of patients before and after education their initial knowledge and their knowledge two months after interacting with healthcare providers using the Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities SDSCA questionnaire Summary of Diabetes Selfcare Activities A confirmatory The summary of diabetes selfcare activities measure results RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The SDSCA measure is a brief selfreport questionnaire of diabetes selfmanagement that includes items assessing the following aspects of the diabetes regimen general diet specific diet exercise bloodglucose testing foot care and smoking Scoring Instructions for the Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities Scores are calculated for each of the five regimen areas assessed by the SDSCA Diet Exercise BloodGlucose Testing FootCare and Smoking Status Step 1 For items 110 use the number of days per week on a scale of 07 The Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities SDSCA is a selfreport measure which rates the gestational diabetes mellitus definition frequency of selfcare adherence over the past seven days The original version of the SDSCA consisted of 12 items that assessed five specific diabetes regimen factors general diet specific diet exercise blood sugar testing and medication 10 THE VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF THE SUMMARY OF DIABETES SELF This article summarizes data drawn from 7 different studies on the norms reliability validity and sensitivity to change of the Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities SDSCA measure a brief selfreport instrument for measuring levels of selfmanagement across different components of the diabetes regimen 7 The SDSCA measure was used to gather information about the patients diabetes selfcare Internal consistency reliability was measured by the Cronbachs Alpha value while the construct validity was measured by Confirmatory Factor Analysis PDF The summary of diabetes selfcare activities measure Diabetes selfcare activities is an important aspect for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus T2DM patients The aim of this study was to examine the construct validity of the Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities SDSCA measure PDF The summary of diabetes selfcare activities measure The summary of diabetes selfcare activities measure results from 7 studies and a revised scale Official SDSCA Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities Assessing diabetes selfmanagement The Summary of Diabetes factors representing the diabetes selfcare areas measured by the SDSCA Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities subscales appear to be replicable and were relatively invariant across 3 moderately large sample of adults with Type 2 diabetes this investigation has also shown that Ss selfreports of selfcare behaviour on the SDSCA are Diabetes selfcare activities are an essential strategy that can prevent or delay diabetes complications by maintaining ideal glycemic control ADA 2018 Coyle Francis Chapman 2013 Seven regimens of diabetes selfcare activities have been recommended namely healthy eating being active The Validity and Reliability of The Summary of Diabetes Self The Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities The summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities Measure Summary of Diabetes Selfcare Activities A confirmatory Normative data means and SD interitem and testretest reliability correlations between the SDSCA subscales and a range of criterion measures and sensitivity to change scores are presented for the 7 different studies 5 randomized interventions and 2 observational studies The Validity and Reliability of The Summary of Diabetes Self Summary of Diabetes SelfCare Activities SDSCA is a selfreport measure which rates the frequency of selfcare adherence over the past seven days The original version of the SDSCA consisted of 12 items that assessed five specific diabetes regimen factors general diet specific diet exercise blood sugar testing and medication 10 The Measuring Diabetes dpp 4 structurevand diabetes SelfCare American Diabetes Association
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