bagan metabolisme diabetes dengan stroke - PDF Analisis Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan diabetes mellitus risk factor ncbi Kejadian Stroke Iskemik Pada Introduction Stroke is the second leading cause of longterm disability and is the second leading cause of death worldwide The incidence of stroke can be reduced by elimination of risk factors in the healthy population such as smoking obesity inactivity unhealthy diets and excessive alcohol intake and by treatment of known risk factors for stroke hypertension diabetes heart disease Diabetes and Ischemic Stroke An Old and New Relationship an Overview 25 HUBUNgAN ANTARA SINDROmA meTABOlIK DeNgAN KeJADIAN STROKe The Relationship Between Metabolic Syndrome with Incidence of Stroke Fila Fatmisua Chrisna1 Santi martini2 1 FKM UA filachrisnagmailcom 2 Departemen Epidemiologi FKM UA santimfkmunairacid Alamat Korespondensi Departemen Epidemiologi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga Dampak dramatis dari diabetes mellitus terhadap kesehatan seseorang sangatlah kompleks Diabetes mellitus dan penyakit turunannya telah menjadi ancaman serius Penyakit ini membunuh 38 juta orang per tahun dan dalam setiap 10 detik seorang penderita akan meninggal karena sebabsebab yang terkait dengan diabetes Impaired glucose metabolism and the risk of vascular events and Role of diabetes in stroke Recent advances in pathophysiology and Impaired glucose metabolism and the risk of vascular events and The relative risk of having an ischemic thromboembolic stroke for diabetic patients compared with nondiabetic subjects was 20 95 confidence limit 14 to 30 and it was observed that tight control of other atherogenic conditions ie hypertension hypercholesterolemia sedentary lifestyle did not decrease the effect of diabetes in Diabetes mellitus and stroke A clinical update PMC PDF Gangguan Metabolisme Karbohidrat pada Diabetes Melitus UB Hyperglycemia and diabetes have different impacts on outcome of HUBUNgAN ANTARA SINDROmA meTABOlIK DeNgAN KeJADIAN STROKe p0040 dan terdapat hubungan antara kadar profil lipid dengan kejadian stroke iskemik pada pasien DM tipe 2 kolesterol total dengan p0020 LDL diabetes mellitus pub dengan p 0032 HDL dengan p0023 Trigliserida dengan p0036 Namun tidak terdapat hubungan antara usia p0307 dan pilihan terapi p0442 dengan kejadian stroke The early diagnosis of diabetes as a comorbidity for stroke as well as tailored poststroke management of diabetes is pivotal to our efforts to limit the burden Increasing awareness and involvement of neurologists in the management of diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors is desirable towards improving stroke prevention and efficacy PDF Faktorfaktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Stroke Pada Pasien Diabetes Faktorfaktor yang Berhubungan dengan Stroke pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus di RSU Kota Tangerang Selatan Tahun 2016 2017 xvii 107 halaman 6 tabel 3 bagan 4 lampiran ABSTRAK Latar belakang Stroke merupakan penyebab utama kecacatan dan penyebab kematian Pasien DM berisiko dua sampai tiga kali lebih tinggi untuk terkena stroke Stroke patterns diabetes vs nondiabetes Significant stroke risk factors in diabetes Jørgensen et al 1994 all strokes 233 diabetes ICH 1 vs 9 Hypertension 902 nondiabetes Infarct 60 vs 68 Olsson et al 1990 all strokes 121 diabetes ICH 6 vs 9 Heart failure ischaemic heart disease 584 nondiabetes Infarct 59 vs 55 Introduction Ischemic stroke IS is associated with high mortality and high risk of recurrent vascular events worldwide 13Despite adequate secondary prevention about 11 of patients suffer a recurrent stroke within the first year Diabetes mellitus DM is a highly prevalent cardiovascular risk factor and is present in about onethird of IS patients 5 6 Background Diabetes mellitus DM prediabetes and insulin resistance are highly prevalent in patients with ischemic stroke IS DM is associated with higher risk for poor outcomes after IS Objective Investigate the risk of recurrent vascular events and mortality associated with impaired glucose metabolism compared to normoglycemia in patients with IS and what is a good blood sugar level for a type 2 diabetes transient ischemic attack TIA
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