bronsveld diabetes and breast cancer subtypes - Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes PMC PubMed Central PMC

bronsveld diabetes and breast cancer subtypes - Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes Bronsveld diabetes logo deisgfn Type 2 diabetes breast cancer specific and overall mortality DOI 101371journalpone0170084 Corpus ID 14905420 Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes articleBronsveld2017DiabetesAB titleDiabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes authorHeleen K Bronsveld and Vibeke Jensen and Pernille Vahl and Marie Louise De Bruin and Sten Cornelissen and Joyce Sanders and Anssi Auvinen and Jari K Haukka and Morten Andersen and Peter Vestergaard and Marjanka K Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes PMC PubMed Central PMC Corpus ID 207919595 Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes Bronsveld inproceedingsBronsveldDiabetesAB titleDiabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes Bronsveld authorHeleen K Bronsveld and Vibeke Jensen and Pernille Vahl and Marie L de Bruin and Sten Cornelissen and Joyce Sanders and Anssi Auvinen and Jari K Haukka and Morten Andersen and Peter Vestergaard and Marjanka K Schmidt url Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes PLOS Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes Aalborg Universitys Research Portal PDF Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes Semantic Scholar Type 2 diabetes breast cancer specific and overall mortality Associations by metformin use and modification by race body mass and estrogen receptor status Bronsveld HK Jensen V Vahl P De Bruin ML Cornelissen S Sanders J et al Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes PloS one 2017 12 1e0170084 101371journalpone0170084 PMC Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes PLOS ONE Our results on the association between diabetes and breast cancer subtypes are in line with these findings even after adjustment for BMI Bronsveld HK de Vries F et al CARING CAncer Risk and INsulin analoGues the association of diabetes mellitus and cancer risk with focus on possible determinantsa systematic review and a meta Table 3 Crude and adjusted odds ratios for breast cancer clinicopathological subtypes of women with diabetes treated with or without insulin compared to women without diabetes in subgroups of menopausal status using batu diabetes melitus multinomial logistic regression Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes Semantic Scholar develop different breast cancer subtypes than women without diabetes However premenopausal women with diabetes tended to develop breast tumors that do not express hormonal receptors which are typically associated with poor prognosis Introduction Diabetes mellitus and breast cancer are chronic diseases with increasing incidence in many Background Women with diabetes have a worse survival after breast cancer diagnosis compared to women without diabetes This may be due to a different etiological profile leading to the development of more aggressive breast cancer subtypes Our aim was to investigate whether insulin and noninsulin treated women with diabetes develop specific clinicopathological breast cancer subtypes Diabetes as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer PMC PubMed Central PMC Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes PubMed The relationship between diabetes and breast cancer was confirmed by most studies with large patient populations The association between diabetes and breast cancer supports the effect of insulin and IGF1 as a mitogen and also its influences on estrogen hormone levels Diabetes and breast cancer subtypes Bronsveld HK Jensen V Vahl P Background Women with diabetes have a worse survival after breast cancer diagnosis compared to women without diabetes This may be due to a different etiological profile leading to the development of more aggressive breast cancer subtypes Our aim was to investigate whether insulin and noninsulin treated women with diabetes develop specific clinicopathological breast cancer subtypes compared Diabetes and Breast Cancer Subtypes Heleen K Bronsveld Vibeke Jensen Pernille Vahl Marie L De Bruin Sten Cornelissen Joyce Sanders Anssi Auvinen This may be due to a different etiological profile leading to the development of more aggressive breast cancer subtypes Our aim was to investigate whether gejala-gejala yang dialami penderita diabetes melitus adalah insulin and noninsulin treated

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