clopidogrel pada pasien diabetes - Clopidogrel adalah obat untuk mencegah penyumbatan sebutkan manfaat olahraga dalam mencegah penyakit diabetes pembuluh darah dan membantu melancarkan peredaran darah sehingga obat ini dapat menurunkan risiko terjadinya stroke atau serangan jantung Clopidogrel dapat digunakan sebagai obat tunggal atau dikombinasikan dengan obat lain The OPTIMUS study evaluated the effect of a 150mg maintenance dose of clopidogrel versus standard dose of clopidogrel 75 mg in a cohort of type 2 DM patients with coronary artery disease and high platelet reactivity while in their maintenance phase of clopidogrel therapy Four randomized placebocontrolled crossover studies were conducted among 282 healthy subjects to investigate whether an interaction exists between clopidogrel 300mg loading Longterm effect of clopidogrel in patients with and without Studies have shown that patients with diabetes mellitus DM exhibit a poorer response to clopidogrel than patients without akibat mengkonsumsi kalori pada gula pada penderita diabetes DM leading to a significant difference in the incidence of recurrence of cardiovascular events and mortality associated with DM Clopidogrel Manfaat Dosis dan Efek Samping Alodokter EVALUASI DOSIS DAN INTERAKSI OBAT ANTIDIABETIKA ORAL PADA Antiplatelet Therapy in Diabetes Efficacy and Limitations of Persentase ketidaktepatan dosis obat antidiabetik oral sebesar 35 yang terjadi pada pasien yang menggunakan metformin dan akarbose Kata kunci antidiabetes oral DM tipe 2 dosis interaksi obat The presence of diabetes may contribute to inadequate clopidogrelinduced effects through various mechanisms Table 1 Clopidogrel nonresponsiveness is more prevalent in diabetic compared with nondiabetic patients and is highest among patients requiring insulin therapy 42 44 Fig 2 A review of the interactions of Clopidogrel drugs with Proton Diabetes and Antiplatelet Therapy what does a diabetes blood test show in Acute Coronary Syndrome
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