diabetes and risk factors of hypertension - Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Hypertension AHAASA Journals

diabetes and risk factors of hypertension - 10 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management diabetes insipidus guidelines Hypertension and diabetes share a number of common causes and risk factors A person who has one condition is at an increased risk for developing the other Likewise a person who has both Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Hypertension AHAASA Journals These risk factors include duration of diabetes obesityoverweight hypertension dyslipidemia smoking a family history of premature coronary disease chronic kidney disease CKD and the presence of albuminuria Modifiable abnormal risk factors should be treated as described in these guidelines This syndrome comprises a cluster of CVD risk factors including T2DM hypertension dyslipidemia central obesity and chronic kidney disease The coexistence of hypertension and diabetes in these individuals substantially increases the risk for cardiovascular disease CVD cerebrovascular accident CVA retinopathy and nephropathy The Hypertension in Diabetes Endotext NCBI Bookshelf Diabetes mellitus and hypertension are among the most common diseases and cardiovascular risk factors respectively worldwide and their frequency increases with increasing age 1 Elevated blood pressure BP values are a common finding in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus T2D and are thought to reflect at least in part the impact of the underlying insulin resistance on the Individuals with metabolic disorders including insulin resistance diabetes and cardiometabolic syndrome have a high prevalence of hypertension a powerful risk factor for cardiovascular disease CVD kidney disease stroke and microvascular complications 1 Not only is hypertension more common in patients with diabetes but also diabetes is also more common in hypertensives than in the Diabetes and hypertension Connection complications risks Diabetes and Hypertension A Position Statement by the American Diabetes Risk Factors American Heart Association Hypertension in Diabetes An Update of Basic Mechanisms international diabetes federation 2024 and Clinical Diabetes Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Insights The major cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetes is cardiovascular disease which is exacerbated by hypertension Accordingly diabetes and hypertension are closely interlinked because of similar risk factors such as endothelial dysfunction vascular inflammation arterial remodelling atherosclerosis dyslipidemia and obesity Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes American Heart Association Hypertension is common among patients with diabetes with the prevalence depending on type and duration of diabetes age sex raceethnicity BMI history of glycemic control and the presence of kidney disease among other factors 13Furthermore hypertension is a strong risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ASCVD heart failure and microvascular complications Obesity and insulin resistance also have been linked to other risk factors including high blood pressure Lack of physical activity Physical inactivity is another modifiable risk factor for insulin resistance and CVD Exercising and losing weight can prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes reduce blood pressure and help reduce the risk Association of risk factors with type 2 diabetes A systematic review Modifiable risk factors for Type 2 diabetes You can and should do something about your modifiable risk factors You can reduce your risk for diabetes or delay its development by making healthy changes Weight Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing diabetes Losing 5 to 10 of your body weightin addition to For smoking cardiovascular disease and hypertension risk factors the majority of the studies are of high quality For serum uric acid sleep quantityquality depression dyslipidemia ethnicity family history of diabetes and obesity the majority of the studies are of moderate quality Aging can be buah yg tidak boleh dimakan diabetes considered as triggering the

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