diabetes attitude scale - The Third Version of the Diabetes Attitude Scale

diabetes attitude scale - PDF Diabetes Attitude Scale 3 Formulae bluthochdruck und diabetes ein gefÄhrliches duo University of Michigan Survey Instruments Elizabeth Weiser Caswell Diabetes Institute Development of diabetes attitude scale for healthcare PubMed The Development of a Diabetes Attitude Scale for Health Care Professionals Diabetes Care 12120127 Anderson RM Donnelly MB Dedrick RF 1990 Measuring the Attitudes of Patients Towards Diabetes and Its Treatment Patient Education and Counseling 16231245 Diabetes Attitude Scale 3 Formulae Scale Name Scale Equation Special Instructions Need for Special Training Q1 Q6 Q10 Q17 Q20 Number of nonmissing items Seriousness of NIDDM Q2 Q7 Q11 Q15 Q21 Q25 Q31 Number of nonmissing items Reverse scores for Q2 The Diabetes Attitude Scale can be used with both people with diabetes and health care professionals as a measure of general diabetes related attitudes Information about the scoring and psychometric properties of this scale is also available here Select the document pertaining to the DKT you would like to download by clicking on the link The Third Version of the Diabetes Attitude Scale an important part of the treatment Insulin andor diabetes pills are sometimes used in the treatment Type 2 diabetes is also called noninsulindependent diabetes mellitus or NIDDM formerly it was called adult diabetes Type 1 diabetes usually begins before age 40 and always requires insulin as part of the treatment Diabetes Attitude Scale Validation in Type2 Diabetes Patients in Diabetes Attitude Scale DAS3 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCALES The modified Diabetes Attitude Scale showed an acceptable level of internal consistency The strength of the intercorrelations among the domains of five subscales suggests that the instrument measures related but separate domains of patients attitudes toward diabetes Moreover the testretest intraclass correlation coefficients were high PDF diabetes mellitus gestasional adalah Diabetes Attitude Survey University of Michigan This article describes the development of a diabetes attitude scale DAS that was designed to measure the attitudes of healthcare professionals HCPs The DAS was developed through the efforts of a national panel of diabetes experts The panel developed a 60item scale that was pilot tested and r The Diabetes Attitude Scale3 DAS3 24 Students were provided with the link to the post assessments for the three scales including their examined compared expanded or condensed all codes Development of Diabetes Attitude Scale for HealthCare Professionals The third version of the Diabetes Attitude Scale DAS3 ResearchGate Objective The objective of this study was to develop a third version of the Diabetes Attitude Scale DAS3 that is congruent with current scientific knowledge about diabetes has improved subscale internal reliability scores and is shorter than the earlier versions of this instrument Research design and methods The second DAS was revised and rewritten by a panel of diabetes experts This article describes the development of a diabetes attitude scale DAS that was designed to measure the attitudes of healthcare professionals HCPs The DAS was developed through the efforts of a national panel of diabetes experts The panel developed a 60item scale that was pilot tested and reduced to a 50item scale The third version of the Diabetes Attitude Scale PubMed The study resulted in a revised DAS with 33 items and five discrete subscales The subscales were attitudes toward the following 1 need for special training to provide diabetes care 2 seriousness of type 2 diabetes 3 value of tight glucose control 4 pyschosocial impact of diabetes and 5 non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complications คือ attitude toward patient autonomy

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