diabetes brainly - In summary the main difference between diabetes melitus dapat menyebabkan kebutaan type 1 and type 2 diabetes is the underlying cause of the condition Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the body attacks the insulinproducing cells while type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance or insufficient insulin production What is diabetes Brainlyin Answer Diabetes Diabetes is a serious condition that causes higher than normal blood sugar levels Diabetes occurs when your body cannot make or effectively use its own insulin a hormone made by special cells in the pancreas called islets eyelets What is diabetes mellitus Brainlyin What is diabetes Brainlyin La Diabetes Es una enfermedad en la que los niveles de glucosa azúcar de la sangre están muy altos La glucosa proviene de los alimentos que consume Con el tiempo el exceso de glucosa en la sangre puede causar problemas serios Puede dañar los ojos los riñones y los nervios como se puede prevenir la diabetes Brainlylat Los estudios parecen indicar que las personas con prediabetes pueden evitar o retrasar la diabetes mediante la pérdida de peso y una mayor actividad física y volver a tener niveles normales de glucosa en la sangre essay on diabetes mellitus Brainlyin What is the cause of diabetes Type 1 diabetes is caused by the immune system attacking the cells where the pancreas generates insulin This is mainly triggered by high blood sugar levels which disturbs the hormonal balance of the endocrine system Diabetes is a serious disease because you have to give yourself insulin shots What is insulin The INS gene in humans encodes insulin a peptide hormone generated mostly via beta cells within the pancreas 5 ways to prevent diabetes Brainlyph Existen dos tipos fundamentales de diabetes la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 DM1 y la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 DM2 Estos dos tipos de diabetes se diferencian en las causas que las provocan los síntomas las características el tratamiento y la edad de las personas a las que afecta Diabetes is a chronic longlasting health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy Most of the food you eat is broken down into sugar also called glucose and released into your bloodstream What is the cause of diabetes Brainly que es la diabetes Brainlylat Explanation Diabetes refers to a set of several different diseases It is a serious health problem throughout the world and fourth leading cause of death by disease in the country All types of diabetes result in too much sugar or glucos in the blood What is the difference between type 1 diabetes Brainlycom What is diabetes mellitus 49297344 ILL Give brainliest gejala diabetes di telapak kaki Why is diabetes a serious disease diabetes occurs when your immune system the bodys system for fighting infection attacks and destroys the insulinproducing beta cells of the pancreas Scientists think type 1 diabetes is caused by genes and environmental factors such as viruses that might trigger the disease Que es la diabetes Brainlylat The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that type 1 is mainly found in infants and also known as insulin dependent diabetes or juvenile onset diabetes and type 2diabetes is mainly found in adults and also known as noninsulin dependent diabetes Here are 8 ways to avoid getting diabetes Cut Sugar and Refined Carbs From Your Diet Work Out Regularly Drink Water as Your Primary Beverage Lose Weight If Youre Overweight or Obese Quit Smoking Follow a VeryLowCarb Diet Watch Portion Sizes Avoid Sedentary Behaviors Brainly creates responsive learning environment for students parents and teachers Explore a world of questions and answers test prep and instant support from our AI Tutor helping you learn smarter and do homework collaboratively for better grades Principales tipos de diabetes Brainlylat Overview Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of diseases that affect how the body uses blood sugar glucose Glucose is an important source of energy for the cells that make up the muscles and tissues Its also the brains main source of fuel The main cause of diabetes varies by type What is diabetes How is it cause Brainlyin How does diet affect diabetes brainlycom La diabetes s una enfermedad crónica que se origina porque el pancreas no sintetiza la cantidad de insulina que el cuerpo humano necesita la elabora de una calidad inferior o no es capaz de utilizarla con eficacia Surge generalmente en las edads avanzadas Explain the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes Videos for Diabetes Brainly Brainly Your AI Learning Companion Get Homework Help AI True or False Diabetes is noncommunicable brainlycom what is Diabetes mellitus Brainlyin Heres how diet affects diabetes 1 Blood sugar control Carbohydrates found in foods like bread rice pasta and fruits are broken down into glucose which raises blood sugar levels Monitoring and balancing carbohydrate intake is essential for managing diabetes Symptoms and causes Mayo Clinic The answer to this question is TRUE Noncommunicable means the diabetes cannot be spread from one person to another unlike other diseases It just comes to you and nobody knows why Hope this helps Answer a serious disease in which a persons body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood Explanation hope it will help you Brainly albumin diabetes User JAY SHREE KRISHNA
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