diabetes control by ayurveda - Ayurveda recommends avoiding meats as they diabetes mellitus niÑos may increase inflammation Dietary control of blood sugar requires consuming warm food Patients should drink warm water Foods that are a bitter help in managing diabetes Bitter gourd is an important vegetable that should be included in the diet After 4 months the patients clinical signs of diabetes had completely resolved His HbA1c reduced over the course of 1 month from gaps in nutrition diabetes inflammation 2018 112 to 84 and eventually to 57 at 9 months out from his initial AyurVAID treatment He modified his diet and lifestyle based upon Ayurveda recommendations and lost a significant amount of weight He was able to taper off the oral allopathic medications due to controlled blood glucose levels with his regimen prescribed by Use of Ayurveda in the Treatment of Type gambaran sikap pasien diabetes melitus dipoli penyakit 2 Diabetes Mellitus PMC
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