diabetes knowledge test questionnaire adaptation - Survey Instruments Elizabeth Weiser Caswell Diabetes when do they test for gestational diabetes in second pregnancy Institute Validation of the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire DKQ With an Background Evaluation of diabetes knowledge plays a pivotal role in identifying and addressing patients knowledge gaps The implementation of a standardized diabetes knowledge assessment tool is important to ensure consistent scoring and facilitating the development of effective and standardized education programs Aim To develop and validate a patient diabetes knowledge questionnaire PDKQ Diabetes Spectrum OBJECTIVE Diabetes knowledge is associated with health including lower A1C levels The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire DKQ24 developed 30 years ago for MexicanAmericans with type 2 diabetes and since used with diverse samples in many countries contains outdated items that no longer accurately assess current knowledge needed for diabetes selfmanagement Revision and Psychometric Evaluation of the Diabetes Knowledge CrossCultural Adaptation and Validation of the Revised Brief Diabetes Adaptation and Validation of Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire DKQ 24 The Diabetes Knowledge Test consists of 23 knowledge test items developed by the Michigan Diabetes Research Training Center MDRC These 23 items represent a test of general knowledge of diabetes The first 14 items are appropriate for people who do not use insulin The entire 23 items can be administered to people who do use insulin Background The Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Centre develop during the 80s the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire in order to determine the level of diabetes knowledge Providing insights both to researchers and health professionals as an aid to intervening and improving diabetes selfmanagement Aim The aim of this study was to translate adapt and validate the Diabetes Knowledge The research method used was crosscultural adaptation and was tested for validity and reliability The validity that was tested was the validity of the content which was then KMO and Bartletts Test Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire DKQ KaiserMeyerOlkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartletts Test pops diabetes care of Sphericity Approx ChiSquare Patients knowledge about diabetes has been found to be associated with better clinical outcomes 5 Thus the assessment of knowledge is an important step when developing diabetes education programs and evaluating their effectiveness The Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire DKQ is one of the tools to assess knowledge of diabetes developed by Starr Country Diabetes Education Study Unlike other diabetes knowledge tests such as the Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Test the DKQ24 does not include questions about the use of insulin as medication because most people with type 2 diabetes are not prescribed insulin to control their glucose levels and would not have received education about insulin dosing or side effects PDF Validation of the Revised Brief Diabetes Knowledge Test DKT2 Translation and Validation of the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire in The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of the revised Diabetes Knowledge Test DKT2 The original test was updated to reflect current diabetes care and education guidelines The test has 2 components a 14item general test and a 9item insulin use subscale Purpose The purpose of the study was to develop an Italian version of the Revised Brief Diabetes Knowledge Test DKT2 providing a cultural and linguistic validation supported by psychometrics and hypotheses testing Methods This multimethods study was divided into 4 phases a culturallinguistic validation with a translation and backtranslation process b confirmatory factor analysis Development and validation of patient diabetes knowledge questionnaire CrossCultural Adaptation and Validation of the Revised Brief Diabetes Revision and Psychometric Evaluation of the Diabetes Knowledge This multimethods study was divided into 4 phases a culturallinguistic validation with a translation and backtranslation process b confirmatory factor analysis CFA considering the original scales structure knowledge and insulinspecific knowledge c criterion validity via hypotheses testing and how to treat a cat with diabetes d crossgroup measurement invariance
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