diabetes mellitu epidemilogi ppt - World Diabetes Day raises global awareness diabetes self care activities of diabetes its escalating rates around the world and how to prevent the illness in most cases Started by the International Diabetes Federation IDF and WHO the Day is celebrated on 14 November to mark the birthday of Frederick Banting who along with Charles Best was instrumental in the discovery of insulin in 1922 a lifesaving treatment for PPT Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus PowerPoint SlideServe 4 MASALAH jumlah penderita diabetes mellitus cenderung meningkat Tahun 1980an sekitar 15 17 penduduk Tahun 1990an sekitar 29 56 Tahun sekitar 12 Penyakit diabetes bukan penyebab utama kematian Komplikasi akut merupakan gawat darurat yg tinggi kematiannya Komplikasi yang kronik seperti stoke kebutaan penyakit jantung koroner penyakit ginjal kronik luka yang sulit Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus PPT Free Download SlideShare Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus PPT Free Download SlideShare EPIDEMIOLOGI DIABETES MELITUS ppt download PPT Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus PowerPoint SlideServe 6 Diabetes tipe 1 adalah diabetes yang bergantung pada insulin dimana tubuh kekurangan hormon insulin dikenal dengan istilah Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus IDDM Hal ini disebabkan karena hilangnya sel beta penghasil insulin pada pulaupulau Langerhans pankreas Diabetes tipe 1 banyak ditemukan pada balita anakanak dan remaja Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus Learning objectives The student should have an understanding of the pathogenesis and major histopathological changes seen in diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 The student should recognize the major complications of diabetes mellitus 121k views 46 slides Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus Free download as Powerpoint Presentation ppt PDF File pdf Text File txt or view presentation slides online This document discusses the epidemiology and prevention of diabetes mellitus It begins by defining diabetes and classifying its various types The main types are type 1 10 of cases and type 2 80 of cases with other specific types This document discusses the achilles tendonitis diabetes epidemiology of diabetes mellitus It begins with defining diabetes and classifying its various types Globally the prevalence of diabetes has been increasing rapidly and is projected to continue rising significantly In India specifically diabetes prevalence is around 86 currently with over 50 of cases being Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus ppt download SlidePlayer Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus by Santi Martini Departemen of Epidemiology Faculty of Public Health University of Airlangga Pathophysiology of Diabetes type 1 which results from autoimmune betacell destruction in the pancreas and is characterizedby a complete lack of insulin production type 2 which develops whenthere is an abnormal increased resistanceto the action of insulinand the Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus PDF Diabetes Insulin Scribd Epidemiologi Diabetes Mellitus PPT SlideShare PPT EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DIABETES MELLITUS PowerPoint SlideServe This document discusses the epidemiology and classification of diabetes mellitus It notes that diabetes affects over 100 million people worldwide and this number is expected to rise significantly by 2010 The disease impacts all ethnic and socioeconomic groups and poses a major economic burden Diabetes is classified into type 1 type 2 and other specific types based on etiology Gestational Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus PDF Peripheral Neuropathy This document discusses the epidemiology of diabetes mellitus It defines diabetes as a metabolic disorder resulting from defects in insulin secretion or action that causes high blood sugar There are three main types of diabetes type 1 caused by lack of insulin production type 2 caused by insulin resistance and gestational diabetes during EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DIABETES MELLITUS Dr Salam Jassim Definition It is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by hyperglycemia and disturbances of carbohydrate fat and protein metabolism with absolute or relative deficiency of insulin action and or secretion General Epidemiological Characteristics It affects large number of people of about 100 million diabetes dataset sklearn The number can increase
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