diabetes questions and answers ppt - DiaBingo Diabetes Bingo for FREE Download harga metformin to read offline This document provides an overview of diabetes mellitus It begins by defining type 2 diabetes and noting its increasing prevalence globally and in India It then discusses the history and terminology of diabetes The document outlines the anatomy and function of the pancreas and hormones insulin and glucagon Resources to Answer Common Questions from Patients with Diabetes DDiabetes 1 The hormone insulin helps my body use glucose for energy 2 All are warning signs of Type 1 diabetes except a Excessive thirst b Increased appetite c Sugar cravings d Unexplained fatigue 4 True or False Type 2 diabetes is becoming more common in children and teenagers 5 questions answers Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation This document contains a 27question quiz on diabetes and diabetes management Each question is followed by detailed explanations of the answers The questions cover topics like insulin administration criteria for diagnosing diabetes oral hypoglycemic agents sick day rules complications of diabetes and standards of care Read more Diabetes Presentations Diabetesnetcom 3The players place a marker on correct answer on DiaBingo Answer card 4 When a player gets 5 answers that line up in a straight line or diagonal row they yell DiaBingo 5The leader then provides a prize warm accolade or a group cheer Thanks for your commitment to improving diabetes knowledge in your community Presentation for St Michaels Hospital Staff for Medtronic of Canada June 22 2012 Slideshow in parts 1Glucose Management and Actual Pump Practices Study 2Bolus Calculator Settings 3 DIA BOB and Insulin Stacking 4 Infusion Set Issues 5CGMs for Better Control or A PDF of all 5 Workshops PDF Diabetes Case Presentations UCSF CME PDF Diabetes 101 Worksheet Answer Key DDiabetes University of glucosamine diabetes Utah Below are some uptodate resources and research to help you answer your patients questions Retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that can cause vision loss and blindness in people with diabetes Research from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial DCCT and the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Diabetes Quiz PPT SlideShare PDF Crush Diabetes Lesson Plan 2 DDiabetes University of Utah Answer Keys to both worksheets 2 Diabetes 101 PowerPoint Presentation Includes video clips from Sugar Babies film Also includes link to the entire film on the last slide and two other video clips that were not included in original Sugar Babies Film PowerPoint ends with discussion questions and take home summary slide 3 Diabetes mellitus management PPT Free Download SlideShare Blood Sugar What does my blood sugar test mean and other questions about blood sugar levels and testing Food and diet How much fruit am I allowed to eat and other questions about eating with diabetes Medication and Insulin Does insulin cause weight gain and other questions about using insulin Exercise MD Abdul Haleem This document provides an overview of diabetes mellitus DM including the three main types Type 1 Type 2 and gestational diabetes signs and symptoms complications pathophysiology oral manifestations dental management considerations emergency management diagnosis and treatment DM is caused by either the pancreas Diabetes Mellitus PPT SlideShare An obese 40 yearold woman is admitted for asthma She received a dose of methylprednisolone in the ED at 7pm and will now be receiving 40 mg of oral prednisone daily in the AM She had not been on any steroids for many years Random fingerstick blood glucose when she gets to the floor at 10pm is 275 mgdL Her last apakah bisul tanda diabetes meal was at 5pm
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