diabetes who - Diabetes is a serious chronic disease diabetes melitus dan insipidus that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin a hormone that regulates blood sugar or glucose or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces Diabetes is an important public health problem one of four priority noncommunicable diseases Diabetes World Health Organization WHO Diabetes is one of the most common chronic conditions in Europe At least 64 million adults and around 300 000 children and adolescents are estimated to be living with diabetes in the WHO European Region In 2019 diabetes caused approximately 186 000 deaths in the Region 14 November is World Diabetes Day World Diabetes Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about diabetes as a critical global public health issue and emphasize the collective and individual actions needed to improve the prevention diagnosis and management of the condition diabetes tinggi This years theme Breaking Barriers Bridging Gaps Global report on diabetes World Health Organization WHO World Diabetes Day 2024 World Health Organization WHO Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose or blood sugar which leads over time to serious damage to the heart blood vessels eyes kidneys and nerves GLOBAL REPORT ON DIABETES World Health Organization The first WHO Global report on diabetes demonstrates that the number of adults living with diabetes has almost quadrupled since 1980 to 422 million adults This dramatic rise is largely due to the rise in type 2 diabetes and factors driving it include overweight and obesity Diabetes factsheet from WHO providing key facts and information on types of diabetes symptoms common consequences economic impact diagnosis and treatment WHO response Diabetes World Health Organization WHO Diabetes kaki penderita diabetes World Health Organization WHO
dokter spesialis penyakit dalam endokrin-metabolik-diabetes di parakemis
cara mengatur pola makan penderita diabetes.pdf