disfungtion and depresi diabetes - Diabetes and depression Coping with the two conditions

disfungtion and depresi diabetes - Depression and Diabetes How They Affect how does diabetes cause stroke and heart attack Your Mental Health WebMD Depression is a prevalent comorbid condition for people with diabetes Rates of depression range from 1 in 4 adults with diabetes with elevated depressive symptoms that merit further evaluation eg PHQ9 scores 10 to 1 in 8 adults who meet diagnostic criteria for clinical depressive syndromes such as major depressive disorder 5 Diabetes and depression have a bidirectional relationship Rationale Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic condition characterized by insufficient production of insulin or inability to use the insulin that the body produces resulting in problems regulating blood sugar According to the World Health Organization it is estimated that 422 million people had diabetes in 2014 representing 85 of adults worldwide In people with diabetes the comorbidity with depression is associated with micro and macrovascular complications and increased mortality Healthrelated quality of life is often reduced and the adherence to treatment is generally low Screening and diagnostic tools for depression are widely available However their use is only effective if subsequent treatment pathways are provided which Diabetes distress is the emotional distress that results from living with diabetes and the burden of relentless daily selfmanagement 1Severe diabetes distress affects one in five people In one of the largest cohort studies to date severe diabetes distress was reported in one of four people with type 1 diabetes one in five people The link between depression and diabetes the search for shared An extensive literature has developed to suggest that depression is more common in patients with diabetes than in the general population and is associated with chronic hyperglycemia risk for diabetes complications and mortality Although the causal linkages among these relationships have not been diabetes adalah penyakit keturunan demonstrated their consistency has led to calls for intensive efforts to identify and Depression and diabetes are clinically linked together Around 10 to 15 of all people who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes also experience depression This can be potentially quite dangerous Diabetes and Depression Strategies to Address a Common Comorbidity The Relationship Between Diabetes and Depression Depression in Diabetes Have We Been Missing Something Important Depression is twice as common in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes as in the general population and is associated with poor outcomes Evidence is growing that depression and type 2 diabetes share biological origins particularly overactivation of innate immunity leading to a cytokinemediated inflammatory response and potentially through dysregulation of the hypothalamicpituitary The association between Diabetes mellitus and Depression The chronic high blood glucose levels associated with diabetes lead to damage dysfunction and failure of many organs in the body specifically the kidneys eyes blood vessels nerve endings Diabetes selfmanagement programs Diabetes programs that focus on behavior can help people control their metabolism improve fitness levels and manage weight loss and heart disease risk factors These programs can also help improve your sense of wellbeing and quality of life Depression occurrence is two to three times higher in people with diabetes mellitus the majority of the cases remaining underdiagnosed The purpose of this review was to show the links between depression and diabetes point out the importance of identifying depression in diabetic patients and identify the possible ways to address both diseases Depression and Diabetes Endotext NCBI Bookshelf Diabetes and depression Coping with the two conditions Association between Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Function in PDF Diabetes what is diabetes and how does it affect the body Distress American Diabetes Association

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