effectiveness emotional intelligence patients diabetes - The Effect of SelfCare Education on effects of morinda citrifolia on diabetes Emotional Intelligence and HbA1c Emotional Regulation and Diabetes Distress in Adults With Type 1 and The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Diabetes Management To date studies have shown that the overall construct of emotional intelligence presents a positive impact on diabetes selfmanagement behaviors Schinckus et al 2018 and a negative association with HbA1c in adults with T1D Zysberg et al 2017 and that the implementation of diabetes selfcare education significantly improved glycemic The relationship between emotional selfawareness emotion regulation The effects of an emotional intelligence program on the quality of life and wellbeing of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Diabetes Educ 34 2008 pp 1013 1024 Crossref View in Scopus Google Scholar WellBeing Interventions for Individuals with Diabetes A Systematic There is growing evidence that psychological interventions are more effective when they are specifically tailored to people with diabetes PWD Coccaro EF Drossos T Phillipson L HbA1c levels as a function of emotional regulation and emotional intelligence in patients with type 2 diabetes Primary Care Diabetes 201610533441 10 The Effects of an Emotional Intelligence Program on the Quality of Life In patients with diabetes psychological wellbeing constructs eg optimism positive affect have been associated with superior medical outcomes including better glucose control and lower mortality rates Igde FA The effects of an emotional intelligence program on the quality of life and wellbeing of patients with type 2 diabetes The effects of an emotional intelligence program on the quality of life and wellbeing of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Diabetes Educ 34 10131024 doi 1011770145721708327303 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Evidence for Mental Health Contributions to Medical Care in Diabetes A similar study conducted on 90 patients with type 1 diabetes frukost diabetes revealed a significant relationship between EI and selfcare 18 Moreover a research conducted in 2013 indicated that diabetic patients education must contain a combination of physical and mental selfcare aspects 19 A study carried out on 100 adult patients with type 2 DM also Therapeutic approaches to treating DD ranging from multidisciplinary diabetes education to psychological interventions have resulted in only limited improvements in A1CThis may be because DD is better related to the patients facility in emotional regulation specifically to the nature of emotional experience and to skill in managing emotional responses which have not yet been Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of an emotional intelligence program on the healthrelated quality of life and wellbeing of individuals with type 2 diabetes Methods The BarOn Emotional Intelligence Scale EQI WHO WellBeing Questionnaire WHOWBQ22 WHO Quality of Life Measure WHOQOLBref and the Medical Outcomes Study 36Item Health Survey SF36 Diabetes distress emotional regulation HbA1c in people with diabetes Methods The BarOn Emotional Intelligence Scale EQI WHO WellBeing Questionnaire WHOWBQ22 WHO Quality of Life Measure WHOQOLBref and the Medical Outcomes Study 36Item Health Survey SF36 were administered to 184 patients with type 2 diabetes who volunteered to participate Results Study I examined two potential explanatory models with one of the models Model II showing a more comprehensive view of the data revealing a total effect of poor emotional regulation of 42 of all effects on A 1c levels Study II tested an emotionfocused behavioral intervention in patients with Type 2 diabetes compared to treatment as usual and found medium sized reductions in A 1c The effects of an emotional intelligence program on the quality of life Diabetes Distress Emotional Regulation HbA1c cara menurunkan kadar gula in People with Diabetes
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