epidemiology diabetes mellitus who - Global regional and national burden of naskah role play diabetes melitus diabetes from 1990 to 2021 Abstract Diabetes mellitus is a leading cause of mortality and reduced life expectancy We aim to estimate the burden of diabetes by type year regions and socioeconomic status in 195 countries and territories over the past 28 years which provide information to achieve the goal of World Health Organization Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases in 2025 Global regional and national burden and trend of diabetes in 195 The global prevalence agestandardized of diabetes has nearly doubled since 1980 rising from 47 to 85 in the adult population This reflects an increase in associated risk factors such as being overweight or obese Over the past decade diabetes prevalence has risen faster in low and middleincome countries than in highincome countries Global regional and national burden and trend of diabetes in 195 People with diabetes have a higher risk of health problems including heart attack stroke and kidney failure Diabetes can cause permanent vision loss by damaging blood vessels in the eyes Many people with diabetes develop problems with their feet from nerve damage and poor blood flow This can cause foot ulcers and may lead to amputation National Diabetes Statistics Report Diabetes CDC and the prevalence of diabetes has been steadily increasing over the past few decades GLOBAL BURDEN Globally an estimated 422 million adults were living with diabetes in 2014 compared to 108million in 1980 The global prevalence agestandardized of diabetes has nearly doubled since 1980 rising from 47 to 85 in the adult population PDF GLOBAL REPORT ON DIABETES World Health Organization Diabetes mellitus is a leading cause of mortality and reduced life expectancy The global prevalence of diabetes increased from 2112 million 19602285 cara minum cuka apel untuk penyakit diabetes in 1990 to 4760 million 4366 Prevalence estimates for total diabetes were 103 in 20012004 and 132 in 20172020 Appendix Table 2 During this period the ageadjusted prevalence significantly increased for diagnosed diabetes No significant change in undiagnosed diabetes prevalence was found Figure 1 Appendix Table 2 Figure 1 Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes Global Burden of Disease and IDF Diabetes Atlas Global regional and countrylevel diabetes Keywords Diabetes mellitus type 2 epidemiology disease pattern prevalence 1 INTRODUCTION Type 2 diabetes is recognized as a serious public health concern with a considerable impact on human life and health expenditures Rapid economic development and urbanization have led to a rising burden of diabetes in many parts of the world Diabetes World Health Organization WHO PDF GLOBAL REPORT ON DIABETES World Health Organization Diabetes remains a substantial public health issue Type 2 diabetes which makes up the bulk of diabetes cases is largely preventable and in some cases potentially reversible if identified and managed early in the disease course However all evidence indicates that diabetes prevalence is increasing worldwide primarily due to a rise in obesity caused by multiple factors Preventing and The global diabetes prevalence in 2079 year olds in 2021 was estimated to be 105 5366 million people rising to 122 7832 million in 2045 Diabetes prevalence was similar in men and women and was highest in those aged 7579 years Diabetes World Health Organization WHO Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose or blood sugar In the past 3 decades the prevalence of type 2 diabetes has risen dramatically in countries of all income levels Type 1 diabetes once known as juvenile diabetes or insulindependent diabetes is a chronic factors influencing quality of life in patients with diabetes condition in which the
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