how does diabetes cause retinopathy - Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease obat cina diabetes that affects people living with diabetes It develops when high blood sugar damages the tiny blood vessels in the retina This causes a variety of symptoms DiabetesRelated Retinopathy Symptoms Treatment Causes Causes of Diabetic Retinopathy In people with diabetes high blood sugar damages the walls of the small blood vessels in the eye altering their structure and functionThese vessels may thicken Diabetic Retinopathy How to Prevent Vision Loss WebMD You cant always prevent diabetic retinopathy However regular eye exams good control of your blood sugar and blood pressure and early intervention for vision problems can help prevent severe vision loss If you have diabetes reduce your risk of getting diabetic retinopathy by doing the following Manage your diabetes Diabetic retinopathy can cause abnormal blood vessels to grow out of the retina and block fluid from draining out of the eye This causes a type of glaucoma a group of eye diseases that can cause vision loss and blindness Anyone with any kind of diabetes can get diabetic retinopathy including people with type 1 type 2 and Diabetic retinopathy Symptoms causes Mayo Clinic Causes and Treatments of Diabetic Retinopathy WebMD Diabetic retinopathy is a serious eye complication associated with type 1 type 2 and gestational diabetes If left untreated it can lead to significant vision changes and even blindness DiabetesRelated Retinopathy Causes Treatment Signs Symptoms Diabetic Retinopathy National Eye Institute Diabetic Retinopathy Causes Symptoms Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy StatPearls NCBI Bookshelf What is diabetic retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy DR is a why does a person with diabetes often feel thirsty serious eye disease that can affect people with diabetes mellitus It occurs when high levels of glucose sugar in the blood cause changes to the network of blood vessels located in the retinaThese changes can damage the retina leading to vision loss and blindness Diabetic retinopathy DR is a microvascular disorder occurring due to the longterm effects of diabetes mellitus Diabetic retinopathy may lead to visionthreatening damage to the retina eventually leading to blindness It is the most common cause of severe vision loss in adults of working age groups in the western world1 Early detection and timely intervention are the keys to avoiding How Does DiabetesRelated Retinopathy Affect Your Vision Healthline When left untreated diabetic retinopathy can scar and damage your retina Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss for people with diabetes Its the leading cause of Diabetic Retinopathy Stages The 4 Stages and What to Do Healthline People with diabetes can have an eye disease called diabetic retinopathy This is when high blood sugar levels cause damage to blood vessels in the retina These blood vessels can swell and leak Or they can close stopping blood from passing through Sometimes abnormal new blood vessels grow on the retina All of these changes can steal your Diabetes can cause multiple eye diseases including cataracts glaucoma and diabetesrelated retinopathy which is defined as damage to the retinal vessels of the eye These damage vessels can lead to poor blood flow ischemia inflammation and ultimately legal allintitle all about diabetes type 1 and 2 blindness if not treated
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