tropical diabetes - Tropical or Malnutritionrelated Diabetes a Real Syndrome

tropical diabetes - Recently diabetologists have added a fourth kolesterol tidak boleh makan apa category tropical diabetes suggested first in 1907 but made popular by Hugh Jones Jtype diabetes during the mid1950s by his study of 13 Jamaican patients3132 However tropical diabetes mellitus is less than 1 of the diabetes cases in Africa and is thought to be related to malnutrition Diabetes in the tropics prevalent increasing and a major public Tropical medicine and diabetes an integrative paradigm Diabetes in SubSaharan Africa Kenya Mali Mozambique Nigeria South Tropical countries are experiencing a substantial rise in type 2 diabetes which is often undiagnosed or poorly controlled Since diabetes is a risk factor for many infectious diseases this increase probably adds to the large infectious disease burden in tropical countries We reviewed the literature to investigate the interface between diabetes and infections in tropical countries including Limb infections are major causes of morbidity and mortality in people living with diabetes23 Tropical diabetic hand syndrome is a terminology used to describe a specific acute symptom complex found in diabetic patients in the tropics1234 The syndrome comprises can rapidly progress to synergistic gangrene Meleneys gangrene Tropical Diabetic Hand SyndromeReport of 2 Cases Less attention was paid to type 2 diabetes then termed noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus occurring in the tropics but it is this type of diabetes that is the most common in these regions today as is the case in the rest of the world Much of the research on tropical type 2 diabetes has been carried out in India The global diabetes epidemic what does it mean for The Lancet Is Tropical Pancreatic Diabetes Malnutrition Related Atypical forms of diabetes mellitus in Africans and other nonEuropean The following key words were used to search relevant articles Flatbush diabetes ketosisprone diabetes tropical diabetes malnutritionrelated diabetes fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes chronic buah yg boleh dikonsumsi orang diabetes pancreatic diabetes protein deficiency pancreatic diabetes and African diabetes The search strategy was adjusted as appropriate for each database Tropical Diabetic Hand Syndrome PMC National Center for Tropical or Malnutritionrelated Diabetes a Real Syndrome Diabetes in the tropics prevalent increasing and a major public Diabetes and tropical medicine Tropical countries are experiencing a substantial rise in the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes T2DM due to urbanisation increasing life expectancy rates Western diets with associated obesity and improved access to health care services with changes in diagnostic criteria and screening practices 1 The striking differences in the epidemiology of Tropical diabetic hand syndrome TDHS is a clinical condition in which a diabetic patient presents with a swelling hand cellulitis necrosis fulminant sepsis ulcerations and sometimes the entire limb becomes gangrenous The few cases reported are within the coastal areas and tropics 3 Two cases were reported in our health facility The syndrome known as tropical diabetes seems to be distinct from the two main types common in developed countries Major pancreatic exocrine disease may or may not be present and within these two groups there are clinical and biochemical variants For these conditions the term malnutritionrelated diabetes has been proposed Although malnutrition is a plausible unifying factor there is a Diabetes in the tropics prevalent increasing and a major public health problem Diabetes in the tropics prevalent increasing and a major public health problem Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2016 May110 52634 doi 101093trstmhtrw021 Clinical syndromes of diabetes in tropical countries defy attempts to separate them into reasonably homogeneous groups that are analogous to the traditional classification into IDDM and NIDDM Their geographical and clinical uniqueness has only been recognized relatively recently For most of this century diabetes in the medical conditions that qualify for disability tax credit diabetes tropics was thought to

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