typ 2 diabetes symtom - Type 2 diabetes Symptoms and causes Mayo Clinic

typ 2 diabetes symtom - Causes Type 2 diabetes is mainly nama nama obat diabetes the result of two problems Cells in muscle fat and the liver become resistant to insulin As a result the cells dont take in enough sugar The pancreas cant make enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels within a healthy range Exactly why this happens is not known Type 2 diabetes is a common condition where your body loses its ability to use up glucose in the blood also known as blood sugar There are a number of symptoms that can accompany type 2 diabetes If you have type 2 diabetes cells dont respond normally to insulin This is called insulin resistance Your pancreas makes more insulin to try to get cells to respond Over time your pancreas cant keep up and your blood sugar rises setting the stage for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes High blood sugar is damaging to the body Type 2 diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels rise due to issues with how the body uses or produces insulin Symptoms may include frequent urination increased thirst and blurry vision 14 Signs and Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes Healthline Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Medications Diet Takeaway Type 2 diabetes is a chronic medical condition in which the levels of sugar or glucose build up in your bloodstream This Type 2 diabetes is a longterm medical condition in which your body doesnt use insulin properly resulting in unusual blood sugar levels Learn more about the symptoms bubur kacang hijau diabetes pdf causes diagnosis and If your cells become too resistant to insulin and your pancreas cant make enough insulin to overcome it it leads to Type 2 diabetes Several factors can contribute to insulin resistance including Genetics Excess body fat especially in your belly and around your organs visceral fat Physical inactivity 9 early warning signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes Medical News Today Type 2 diabetes Symptoms and causes Mayo Clinic Signs and Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes WebMD Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms Treatments Causes and More Healthline The early signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes can include 1 Frequent urination When blood sugar levels are high the kidneys try to remove the excess sugar by filtering it out of the blood Type 2 Diabetes What It Is Causes Symptoms Treatment Type 2 diabetes Symptoms NHS Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms Causes and Treatment WebMD Symptoms of type 2 diabetes can include peeing more than usual feeling thirsty all the time feeling very tired losing weight without trying to itching around your penis or vagina or repeatedly getting thrush cuts or wounds taking longer to heal blurred vision Tingling hands and feet Type 2 diabetes can affect nerves in your hands and feet Red swollen and tender gums You might be more likely to get infections in your gums and the bones that hold Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes CDC Centers for Disease Control and Type 2 diabetes Symptoms primary care diabetes conference 2018 early signs and complications

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